Carry a Pocket Knife For Endless Benefits

Carry a pocket knife for endless benefits

If you are someone who spends time outdoors, you know that when the situation calls for it, a pocket knife can be an invaluable tool. Read on to learn more about this handy tool and the....
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Brass Knuckle Knife - A Perfect Tool in Your Survival Kit

Brass knuckle knife - a perfect tool in your survival kit

Knife enthusiasts have a lot of options to choose from, but sometimes it can be hard to know which knife is the best for your needs. From tactical knives and hunting knives, to throwing....
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Historical Background of the Blue Rose Sword

Historical background of Blue Rose Sword

Anime sword is popular in Japan, but it's not just a Japanese thing. To understand anime, you have to know the history behind it. Anime dates back to WWII and was used as a method....
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Bowie Knife - History, Features and Uses

Bowie knife - History, features and uses

Bowie knives are named after Jim Bowie who was famous for his sharp, dashing style. They are a type of knife that has a long, curved blade that is often serrated on the back edge....
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Is Kubaton Effective as a Self Defense Weapon?

Is kubaton effective as a self defense weapon?

In today's world, everything from our personal and professional lives to our security is being monitored. However, the person physically holding onto our computer or smartphone....
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What Makes a Butterfly Knife Unique?

What makes a butterfly knife unique?

Butterfly knives emerged in the late 19th century as a dual-purpose pocket knife. It offered a convenient way to carry a knife and was marketed as both a tool and weapon....
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What to Look for When Choosing a Kunai Knife?

What to look for when choosing a kunai knife

Recently, the kunai knife originated in Japan and was used as a farming tool. Most commonly, a kunai consists of an iron blade with a rectangular wooden handle. It is curved just like....
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Important Facts to Know About Airsoft Rifles

Important facts about airsoft rifles

An airsoft gun is a type of non-lethal weapon, often used in military simulations and training. These guns use compressed air or a spring mechanism to launch foam balls at the target....
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Stun Guns - Capable of Defending You Against Attackers

Stun gun - capable of defending you against attackers

Stunning? That's a good word! Stun gun is an electrical device designed to inflict an incapacitating shock on an attacker. These devices can be used by law enforcement officials or civilians....
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Batons are Incredibly Useful For Self Defense

Self defense baton

Self-defense means defending yourself against attackers, wild animals, and situations in which it is impossible to survive. Regardless of the tactics you employ, the ultimate goal is ensuring....
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The Best Paintball Pistols: What You Need To Know

The best paintball pistols

Paintball was created as an alternative to hunting and getting dirty with bugs while enjoying nature in all its glory. The thing is, most people don't really like hunting because you have to kill....
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Electric Airsoft Guns: The Battery-Powered Guns

Electric airsoft guns the battery powered guns

Airsoft guns are a type of toy gun that use compressed air (or other gasses) to fire plastic pellets. They are typically constructed of plastic and metal parts. These guns have been built....
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