The Essential Guide of the Neck Knife

neck knife

Before we analyze whether one should or shouldn't have a neck knife, let's start with the very basics: what is actually a neck knife? Well, for those who don't know; a neck knife is small- or medium-sized blade attached to a blade-handle that a person can wear around his/her neck with the help of a string or chain....
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The Basic Guide of Airsoft Guns: Everything You Need to Know

This is for those who don't know much about the airsoft game and airsoft guns; the airsoft guns are specifically designed to shoot plastic pellets, also known as plastic BBs which are of at least 6mm diameter.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Cool Knives

Knives are an integral part of our lives. Whether you are an outdoor person or an indoor one, a businessman or a villager, a fisherman or a cowboy - you will find the need of knives in your everyday life. Knives have endless uses and one can find the need of them almost anywhere and anytime.... 
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The Truly Sensational World of Airsoft Guns!

Airsoft is an outdoor sport and a mock combat majorly comprising of different tactical games. This sport has its origins from Japan and was originated there in 1860s when the government put ban on the use of real guns... 
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How to use Nunchucks? 4 Most Useful Tips in Critical Situations

Are you a huge fan of Bruce Lee and are inspired by him? Or are you just a martial arts lover who is obsessed with exceptional weapons and tools? Well, whoever you are, it doesn’t matter as you will enjoy playing with Nunchucks and having fun with them....
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Some Amazing Butterfly Knife Tips

Do you want to improve your flipping skills? But we all know that we cannot do that with a regular kitchen knife or even with a real butterfly knife. Why? Well, the answer is pretty simple and clear...

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5 Most Iconic Medieval Swords For Sale Under $50

Medieval Swords

Medieval Era is known and remembered for a lot of things and among those things, the most famous ones are the Medieval swords. Medieval swords are one of the most visually appealing and breathtaking swords of all times....
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Can A Stun Gun Flashlight Really Keep You Safe?

Want to read some amazing and entertaining facts about the stun gun flashlight? Let's jump straight into it:
i) Until and unless you are a witch or wizard and can transform into a cat-like Professor McGonagall or you have been bitten by a vampire and are able to....

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The Rising Trend of Brass Knuckles

Brass Knuckles are gaining fame day by day even though they were originated somewhere around 1860s during The American Civil War. Are you wondering that if they belonged to such ancient times, then why are they so famous even today?....
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What is The Best Crossbow To Ace Your Hunting Game?

Crossbows are quite in fashion nowadays but why is that so? May be people simply love the beauty and classical look of crossbows, may be they like its historical aspect or maybe even after so much advancement in technology, they still crave the hunting style and favorite sport of their ancestors......
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The Legendary Story of Ancient Trojan Helmet

A Trojan helmet has its roots and origins from the famous city of Troy. The word “Trojan” actually became famous from the renowned Trojan war between the people of Troy and the Greeks in late Bronze Age and took place in the city of Anatolia....
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Top Hidden Blades Disguised as Everyday Objects

A hidden blade, as we all know is something, that has a concealed blade which one can retract and extend when one desire. That’s the main concept behind a hidden blade. However, today hidden blades are considered very cool and also bring a new meaning to our objects of everyday use. This new feature and touch given to our EDC objects have resulted in multiple advantages and diversity. 
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