Outdoor Gear
Looking for the best outdoor gear? You are at the right place. Knives Deal provides a great variety of outdoor stuff. We provide hunting gear, camping gear and much more. Buy crossbows, compound bows, hunting knives, throwing axes, paintball pistols, slingshots and much more at the lowest prices in the market. Enjoy free shipping on orders over $99.
The original, iconic GLOCK 17 revolutionized the handgun market, and in the decades since its introduction, has been used by military and law enforcement agencies around the world. The GLOCK 17 Gen4 is just as popular and sought-after as the original and is used by the British Army and many others. This GLOCK 17 Gen4 CO2 blowback airgun from Umarex boasts an enhanced grip texture and is functionally identical to the original.
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An element of realism is added with a 19-shot drop out BB magazine. The Smith and Wesson M&P CO2 pistol has a manual safety, double action trigger that's amazingly close to the actual handgun, and fixed front and rear fiber optic sights.
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An accurate physical replica of the M&P firearm by Smith & Wesson. Fits the same holsters as made for firearms making it a great practice gun. Accurate to standard handgun distance of 25 feet, this BB-firing pistol will have you shooting your targets with double and triple taps!
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ust keep pulling the double-action trigger, unload the mag, reload, repeat. Thats the cycle of fun with a semi-auto BB gun like the Umarex TDP. This well-priced BB pistol is great for shooting cans or knocking down objects.
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Shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger with the Umarex XBG's double action trigger mechanism. The Umarex XBG is a lot of gun for not a lot of money. Good power, consistent accuracy, and a simple design that's easy to use. It is very lightweight and delivers about 130 rounds out of a single CO2 capsule before a loss of power is noted.
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Looks and feels like the real steel! This version of the Colt Python .357 BB revolver has a convenient 10rd removable clip. It's easier to load than those realistic cartridges, plus you get more shots every time you load the clip in your gun.
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Because it shoots pellets or BBs, just pick your ammo and you're on your way! With the 8-shot rotary clips, this repeater ensures that the PX4 Storm will keep up with your trigger finger! Finish one clip and flip the magazine over to release the remaining 8-shots. You can easily load a 12-gram co2 cartridge in this gun's grip, giving you the ability to release numerous shots before even thinking about a refill.
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The Beretta Elite II CO2 BB Pistol is an 15 shot repeater with a velocity of 410 fps! This long awaited sporting replica BB gun is powered by CO2 and features a drop-out magazine for added realism. Powered by a 12g CO2 cartridge housed within the pistol's grip, this pistol is a great replica. At this price, you can't find a better made bb pistol that is more fun to shoot.
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This HK45 CO2 BB air pistol shoots BBs at 400 FPS and includes a 20 round magazine for semi-auto operation. This is the authentic licensed replica of the popular HK45 firearm.
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The HK USP CO2 .177 BB Air Pistol is made to feel and function like the original. This air pistol is a cost-effective option for USP owners to practice their aim and handling.
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It has been re-engineered for optimal performance. Powered by compressed air (CO2), the T4E HDP P2P Self Defense Pepper Pistol shoots .50 caliber round kinetic and/or chemical irritant projectiles that can disable a threat from up to 60-feet away. It is an incredibly powerful and non-lethal self-defense weapon. Be Prepared to Protect™ your family, your property, and your life with this .50 caliber pepper pistol.
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These 9.5" Black Finish Throwing Axe for sale are perfect for target practice. Featuring full tang stainless steel blade with Satin design. These perfectly balanced Axe ensure maximum grip and excellent accuracy. This Axe is a perfect backyard action
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These 9.5" Satin Silver Throwing Axe for sale are perfect for target practice. Featuring full tang stainless steel blade with Satin design. These perfectly balanced Axe ensure maximum grip and excellent accuracy. This Axe is a perfect backyard action
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Made of stainless steel with a one piece full tang construction and dual striking points. They have a black finish and come factory sharp. On the head, the handle's have 3 cut out holes for better weight distribution.
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Made of stainless steel with a one piece full tang construction and dual striking points. They have a satin (silver in color) finish and come factory sharp. On the head, the handle's have 3 cut out holes for better weight distribution.
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The Colt Defender BB Pistol has an all metal construction and a built in 16-shot BB magazine. The spring powered grip release and the CO2 compartment in the grip make this pistol extremely easy to operate. A fixed blade front sight makes aiming a breeze.
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This air pistol is a modern take on the revolver. The Umarex Brodax features a 10 round rotary mag, integrated Picatinny rails, and a lightweight, polymer frame. All of these features combine to make a versatile and fun-to-shoot air pistol.
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Another version of the famous Walther P99 firearm, the PPQ (P99 Q) CO2 pistol is extremely realistic and a fun all-day shooter.
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Put Walther's superior PPQ M2 in your hand-- that is the .177 caliber pellet PPQ M2. Featuring 20 round capacity and blowback action, this PPQ M2 is a great training tool or paper puncher for backyard shooting competitions.
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One of the most desirable firearm clones is now available as an air pistol. The look, feel and heft of this pistol will immediately remind you of the firearm from WW2 that fascinated gun collectors everywhere. Pick it up...feel the heft, notice the authentic dimensions as you wrap your hand around the grip and stretch your finger toward the trigger. Your collection will not be complete without the Legends P.08 pistol.
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