Is kubaton effective as a self defense weapon?

In today's world, everything from our personal and professional lives to our security is being monitored. However, the person physically holding onto our computer or smartphone doesn't always have access to the same information as the alleged perpetrator.

Combating this problem is the invention of a clever tool known as a kubaton or sometimes also called a keychain baton. These gadgets are perfect for taking away all your worries by providing your own flashlight, knife blade, and punch at any given moment. 

A lot of people would prefer to have this weapon on hand than a handgun, since the baton is easier to conceal and can be used as an extension of your arm.

Construction of a Kubaton

These weapons are constructed from a steel shaft that is hollow and filled with different materials to make it strong yet lightweight. A tip made from rubber or plastic is added for extra protection for the user. This will always measure about six inches in length but can range in weight from 1.5 ounces all the way to 10 ounces.

This weapon is a great tool for any situation where an individual can be confronted by the presence of an armed and dangerous individual. Regardless of whether you're in a business, school, or even at home, a keychain baton is always there to help you defend yourself.

Just think about something you would want caught on camera? Keeping your weapon close by will ensure that such incriminating evidence isn't destroyed until the press arrives. Another great thing about this is that it's built to last. It won't break or rust like other cheap models so if it does happen to break, replacements can simply be purchased at almost any local hardware store.

Types of Kubaton

The Kubotan is a small, cylindrical weapon that was originally developed to help practitioners of the martial arts maintain their balance. Now, it's used by police officers and civilians alike as a self-defense weapon. 

Whether you're looking for an item that will help you to stay on your feet or get home safe after a night out on the town, these are the different types of these weapons you can choose from. 

1) The basic model: 

It's made of metal or plastic and has either pointed ends or blunt ends. It’s perfect for using in any environment, from the street to your home.

2) The tactical model: 

The tactical model is usually made of metal or plastic. It's wrapped in rubber or leather and has pointed ends. This type is made to look like a pen or a tool, so it’s ideal for concealing. It's extra effective at close range, which makes it great for self-defense on the street.

3) The keychain model: 

This slightly larger version has the same features as the basic model, but it comes attached to a keychain for easy access when you're out in public. This kubaton is also popular with law enforcement and security professionals.

4) The taser model: 

This item is designed to look like a flashlight or pen, so it's extremely unlikely that you're going to draw unwanted attention. It has an electronic stun gun, pepper spray and can act as a deterrent all in one package.

5) The covert kubaton: 

This is one of the most popular items because it looks like a flashlight, but the real power comes from the taser hidden inside. It also has a keychain so you can take it with you when you need it most during self-defense at home or on the street.

6) The police model: 

This is similar to the basic model but it has spring-loaded deployment and comes with an electric shock. The police model is great for training, but it should never be used as a self-defense device.

7) The flashlight model: 

This model is great for use at night when you're walking alone. It’s just as easy to use as the other types but it's equipped with a bright LED light and a loud alarm to deter attackers. 

8) The Swiss army keychain: 

This model looks almost like the basic or tactical model but it has three different tools in one small package: a bottle opener, can opener and an electric stun gun.


How to Use a Kubaton?

The kubaton is a self-defense weapon that is mainly used by law enforcement and military personnel. They are also used by civilians as personal self defense weapons in places where carrying knives or guns are not permitted, such as schools and airplanes, or in places where knives or guns are less effective, such as underwater. 

This can be carried on one's person in virtually any fashion - inside the mouth (between the cheek and gums), down the spine of one's pants, inside a jacket pocket - with little chance of the weapon being discovered during an altercation. The use of this device is to disrupt an attacker without causing injury or death.

In order to be safe and effective, the kubaton must strike specific pressure points at the base of the skull (the occipital bone), under the nose, and on either side of the neck. When used properly, a strike to these locations will cause severe pain and disorientation. In most cases, a defender is likely to get away before any serious injury occurs. 

While strikes to other locations may feel painful or even break bones, they are unlikely to incapacitate an attacker. Most experts do not recommend using any strikes above the waist as these are difficult to master and may cause more damage than necessary if used incorrectly.

Effectiveness for Self Defense

If you’re a student, or someone who lives in a city and is interested in learning self-defense, this weapon might be just what you’ve been looking for!

The word “Kubaton” comes from “kobudo kokutan,” which translates to “small weapon of self-defense.” It's made of hard rubber with caps on both ends that make it easier to grip. It resembles a Y shape when held in hand - which is the quickest way for users to access its power punch. 

This weapon was invented in the 1960s by George Mattson, a martial artist and FBI agent. He created it to help him defend himself against his attackers while he was on assignment in Asia.

Great for Women and Children!

The size of a keychain baton may vary from 7 inches to 10 inches. It can be used by women and children too! The length of this weapon is just right for people who are not that tall, or for anyone who doesn’t want to carry a visible weapon with them. Besides, it is also quite simple to use, even if you haven’t been trained by experts.

The Kubaton can defend against an assailant without inflicting any pain or injury to you. Just by applying it onto your attacker’s pressure points, you can send him off of you and run away. The weapon is so simple to use, many martial artists even teach their kids how to use it!

If you have a keychain baton at home or in your bag, you won’t be caught by surprise. It is easy for anyone to carry this weapon. It can also be used by children and elderly people, who are not that physically fit. In this case, you can store this weapon in a discreet place (like a shoe box or even the car trunk) without it being noticed by relatives or neighbors.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Many martial arts experts will tell you that the kubaton is one of the most valuable weapons they carry. It's a personal self-defense tool that has been used by law enforcement, military, and security personnel for decades.

The kubaton's benefits include its compact size, which makes it easy to carry; its rubber coating, which provides a secure grip even when wet or dirty; and its ability to turn an attacker's strength against himself with pressure points on sensitive areas like the groin or solar plexus. 

Its drawbacks are mainly in regard to legality in some states and countries because of concerns about carrying weapons without a permit. This is a red rubber ball with several holes in its center. It is made of rubbery material and can be used as a melee weapon or as an impact weapon. 

It may be used to strike an opponent or the object being struck, such as a key. Some martial arts experts add another layer of defense. They wrap this weapon in duct tape, which causes it to become even harder and more deformable than the rubber itself.