This article is all about throwing knife tips. Before we plunge into the list of the trick tips, I want you to go through some basic information related to the throwing knife. 

First and foremost you ought to know that there are three types of throwing knives available in the markets and online stores; we are talking about the handle-heavy throwing knives; the blade-heavy throwing knife, and the well-balanced throwing knife. 

Typically, many of the professional knife throwers use the well-balanced throwing knives; however, if you are a beginner and inspiring to become a pro, we recommend that you start with either a handle-heavy or a blade-heavy throwing blade. 

In case you are wondering why; the handle-heavy and the blade-heavy versions of the throwing knives comprise a much smoother learning curve in contrast to the well-balanced version of the throwing blades.

Assuming that you have already gotten one of the handle-heavy or the blade-heavy throwing blades, you ought to remember one crucial rule: you must throw the "weight" first while holding the opposite of it. 

For instance, if you are holding a "handle-heavy" throwing knife, you would want the handle to "go" first; therefore, you will be holding the throwing knives by its blade and vice versa.

How will You Hold the Knife?

This guide includes a rather unconventional method of holding a blade prior to throwing it. The majorities of people hold the throwing knives in a way that the thumb of their holding hand is positioned on the side of the blade; whereas, the blade is released either in a vertical manner onto the target area. 

However, the truth is that this holding position tends to place the hand in a rather awkward position which further suppresses the necessary "whoosh" in the throwing movement which makes the blade reach the target and stink into it. 

Moreover, if you tend to release the blade in the above-mentioned position, the thumb is more likely to make the knife wobble mid-air; subsequently, the thrown knife is less likely to stick to the target; instead, it is prone to bounce off the target. 

In this regards, it is suggested to hold the throwing knife by placing your first three fingers (index, middle, and ring) on the center of the knife handle; whereas, it is okay to let the pinky finger dangle from the end. 

The thumb of the throwing hand ought to be placed on the "other" side of the handle as well as in the middle of it. 

The greatest benefit of this holding position is that upon releasing the blade, all you ought to do is to simply open your hand which will not interfere with the movement and "whoosh" of the knife while it flows towards its intended target.

How will You Throw the Knife?

After we have successfully resolved how you will be holding your blade; the next step involves the actual throwing of the knife. First and foremost, it is important to ‘find' the perfect throwing line. 

This refers to finding the perfect throwing distance between you and the intended target. Here is a useful tip: simply measure distance by counting your footsteps; take about six normal footsteps away from your target and mark the area by drawing a line. 

The measured distance ought to suffice for the knife to fully rotate mid-air prior to hitting the target and sticking into it. Now, assuming that you have drawn the throwing line, you ought to take another full step back. 

You ought to take a step back toward the left direction similar to a soccer player; the step ought to be of at least 45-degree; if you are a lefties, then you will take a 45-degree step back towards the right direction. 

At the above-mentioned position, you will notice that the marked throwing line is a mere "two-steps" ahead of you. This is the perfect distance between you and the marked throwing line. The next step is easy; all you need to do is gather as much power and momentum while stepping towards your marked throwing line. 

Remember to throw the knife as hard as you can; a weakly released knife will never reach its target. Therefore, act confident, bold, and powerful while throwing the knife towards its intended direction. Moreover, throughout the throwing momentum, you ought to keep the blade horizontal. 

The horizontal direction of the throwing knife will ensure that the blade gets into the proper rotation after the blade's release.

On an important note, while you are stepping towards the marked line, you will need to make the shoulder of your "weaker' side face the object/target. In simple words, if you are a leftie then your weak side is the right shoulder which ought to be facing the target while you take the two steps towards the marked throwing line. 

Firstly, you ought to take a step towards the forward direction with your back foot. The second step in the direction towards the marked line will be taken with the other foot which will be your front foot. 

If you have ever played baseball, then you will find it easy since the movements resemble almost the winding-up movements on a baseball pitch. It is really important to keep stretching towards the throwing line while holding the blade with your throwing hand. 

Lastly, the throwing knife needs a release; there is no rocket science involved. All you need to do is extend your throwing arm fully towards the target/ object while letting go of the throwing knives. 

Not to mention the fact that it is always important to be following through after the release of the blade.

What are some other Knife Throwing Techniques?

This beginner's guide, How to Throw The Throwing Knives? is only for the beginner throwers; however, once you have accomplished the first couple of throws successfully, you ought to know and learn about other throwing knife tips as well. 

Referring to the professional throwing technique, it usually comprises five steps away from the target and throwing the blade towards the target/ object. Another technique involves the technique which resembles the "spear-throwing" technique. 

This is an interesting way to release a throwing knife. Moreover, this type of throwing technique is technically designed for combats and real fights where you want to reach the enemy at any cost and kill them in an instant or at least wound them real bad. 

When thrown in the air like a spear, the throwing knife will experience no typical mid-air rotation. The best part of this throwing technique is the fact that you won't have to worry about the distance or counts of mid-air rotation; all you need to do is releasing the knife similar to the release of the spear while hoping that it hits the bulls eye.

Some Last Words…

Without a doubt, throwing knives are fun and entertaining; however, if you are a beginner and new to the game of throwing with real blades, it is important to follow some safety rules for the sake of your safety and the safety of the others. 

It is recommended to use a wooden board for the practice of wielding the throwing knives. Always treat the blades as if these were real weapons; never point the blades towards people. 

If you have an audience; you ought to make sure that there are sufficient space and distance between you and the audience. Keep your back towards the audience; also, make sure to place the target away from the audience.