Airsoft sniper rifles are amazing airsoft guns which shoot at great FPS; the long barrels of the airsoft sniper rifles allow for greater accuracy as compared to the airsoft guns. Many beginners of the airsoft enthusiasts seem to be obsessed with getting the best airsoft sniper rifles. 

In fact, the majority of the airsoft beginners are pretty excited about getting their hands on the airsoft sniper rifles. However, the sad truth associated with the airsoft sniper rifles is that the aspect of airsoft sniping requires loads of patience and is far from being as glorious and awesome as depicted in the movies and sniping video games. 

This is where the airsoft newbie get frustrated when they don't find the thrill they expected with their airsoft sniper rifles.

What are the Reasons for Airsoft Sniping to be Tough and Demanding?

1. The Difference between Real Sniping and Airsoft Sniping: 

Real sniping is way different from airsoft sniping; in fact, real snipers go through tremendous training and are far better equipped than the airsoft sniper rifles which shoot plastic pellets instead of real bullets.

2. No Exceptions of Airsoft Rules: 

Real snipers are set at their positions way before their "potential target" passes through a certain location; however, in an airsoft game, the airsoft sniper isn't allowed to enter the battlefield before the rest of the team in order to find the perfect spot for hiding and setting up one of his airsoft sniper rifles. 

In addition, the airsoft sniper has to follow the game rules like any other airsoft player. Not to mention the fact that if one is wearing the Ghillie and trying to run to find the perfect hiding spot, it is no fun game at all.

3. The Fully Covered Airsoft Battlefields are a Hindrance: 

Typically, the airsoft fields are set up in a location with almost full cover; hence, it can be quite hard to shoot through the full cover with the help of the airsoft guns

This is why airsoft sniping is tougher than real-life sniping. Moreover, even the slightest cover can result in deflecting and dodging the plastic pellets shot from the airsoft sniper rifles. Even the smallest twigs can cause the shots fired from the airsoft sniper rifles to miss the opponent target. 

This aspect is quite true with disregard of the weight of the plastic pellets, also known as BBs. It can cause much frustration when an "invisible" branch causes a "clear" shot to miss the potential target. In this respect, airsoft sniping can be quite tough and incredibly demanding.

4. The Lack of Accuracy: 

The airsoft sniper rifles lack the accuracy as is expected out of real sniper rifles. You might have to spend a fortune on upgrading your airsoft sniper rifles in order to improve the accuracy which will make airsoft sniping real fun.

5. Having No or Rare Ballistic Advantage: 

The airsoft sniper rifles lack in the ballistic advantage which is also one of the most frustrating aspects while maneuvering shots with the spring airsoft rifles. In fact, the airsoft sniper rarely has 60-feet of the shooting range on his/her opponents. 

In addition, the majority of the airsoft fields have certain FPS limitations as well, such as you can only use the plastic pellets which weight no more than 0.2 g; additionally, the FPS of the airsoft sniper rifles cannot cross 500 FPS which is also a far cry from the real sniper rifles.

6. No Straight Shooting Trajectory: 

Usually, the shooting trajectory of the airsoft sniper rifles is never a straight line. On the contrary, due to the backspin on the plastic pellets, the BBs typically get shot up at the trajectory end before sharply dropping down to the ground. 

This kind of shooting trajectory often results in overshooting the potential target or missing them altogether.

7. The Lack of Clear Sightline: 

While shooting with the airsoft sniper rifles, it is hard to find a clear and vivid sight line as a result of too much cover on the airsoft battlefield. In fact, in most of the airsoft fields, one would be lucky to find "space" for a clear shot of 250-feet. 

Typically, the airsoft sniper rifles are designed for single shits which means that even if you do shoot a target they might have difficulty in calling the single hits while mistaking it for being hit by some falling cone or branch. 

The impact of the shots fired from a range with the airsoft sniper rifles is less than the impact of the multiple shots fired from the electric airsoft guns, also known as AEGs.

8. The Lack of Patience and Will-Power: 

If you lack the much-required patience as an airsoft sniper, the airsoft sniper rifles are not for you as it is typical for the airsoft snipers to miss long gaming hours for the sake of taking one single shot with their airsoft sniper rifles. The real test lies in possessing the level of patience rather than possessing the best airsoft sniper rifles.

What are the Three Types of Airsoft Sniper Rifles?

After you have made certain that you do possess the calm and patience to play the role of an airsoft sniper for your team, you would definitely want to move forward to the selection of the best airsoft sniper rifles which are available online and at the local markets and airsoft sniper. 

Basically, there are three types of airsoft sniper rifles to choose from; the spring-assisted airsoft sniper rifles; the gas-powered airsoft sniper rifles; and the electric airsoft sniper rifles, also known as the AEGs.

1. The Spring Airsoft Sniper Rifles: 

the spring-powered airsoft sniper rifles usually have a medium range of accuracy while the more efficient versions of the spring airsoft sniper rifles feature an upper rail mount for the addition of a scope. 

If the airsoft sniper rifles have a tighter spring, it might be harder to pull the bolts effectively which will further impact the firing rate by decreasing it. The new players of the airsoft game will definitely find themselves struggling with the airsoft sniper rifles which feature a tighter spring.

2. The Gas Airsoft Sniper Rifles: 

The gas-powered airsoft sniper rifles utilize green gas in a compressed form which is usually stored inside a magazine or even a separable tank for the propelling of the plastic pellets, also known as the BBs. 

If you are looking for the most accurate versions of the airsoft sniper rifles, the airsoft sniper rifles with external gas tanks are considered to be the most accurate airsoft sniper rifles in contrast to the spring airsoft sniper rifles and the electric airsoft sniper rifles. 

Not to mention the fact that the gas-powered airsoft sniper rifles feature persistent muzzle velocity along with a smoothly adjustable hop-up. However, the bolt of the gas airsoft sniper rifle still requires to be pulled in between the shots.

3. The Electric Airsoft Sniper Rifles: 

the majority of the electric airsoft sniper rifles are single-shot airsoft sniper rifles. The majority of the AEGs sniper rifles have smaller-sized magazines. In addition, the airsoft sniper rifles require constant care and proper maintenance after each of the airsoft skirmishes is over. 

The electric airsoft sniper rifles are also quite expensive in contrast to the spring-powered and electric-powered airsoft sniper rifles.

What to look out for getting the Best Airsoft Sniper Rifles?

There is a variety of the best airsoft sniper rifles available in the markets and online stores; it is not mandatory to spend a fortune in order to get the best-quality airsoft sniper rifles. In fact, you can get good-quality airsoft sniper rifles for the best price. 

However, there are some aspects to look out for while buying the airsoft sniper rifles; for instance, you ought to ensure that there is sufficient distance between your eye and the eyepiece of the rifle's scope. There should be a distance of at least 2-inches. 

Also, ensure that you are wearing protective goggles for your eyes while aiming with one of the airsoft sniper rifles. With regards to the magnifying scopes of the airsoft sniper rifles, it is recommended to get a 3x-4x magnifying scope of the lens diameter. 

In addition, for more airsoft fun, it is recommended to get the airsoft sniper rifles that have an illuminated scope (red dot scope). This version of the airsoft sniper rifles is especially perfect for the woodland games.