Which Is Better: Electric, Gas, Or Spring Airsoft Guns?
Posted by Knives Deal on 7/23/2020

There are two things that might have brought you here. You might be a seasonal airsoft player, trying to find the best airsoft guns, or you might be a beginner trying to figure out what is better- an electric gun, gas gun, or a spring gun.
Whatever the case is, today, we will explain all these types of guns to you in detail. This way, it will be easier for you to make a decision and choose the right weapon for your airsoft game.
Before getting started with the weapons and their features, let’s talk a bit about the airsoft game itself. It is undeniably one of the best sports to date. And yes, it is better than paintball and several things can justify this fact.
In airsoft, you just have to be active and physical and while you do that, you get to work on your combat techniques.
Some Reasons to Play Airsoft Games:
For a newbie, here are some reasons that explain why this game is going to be the best thing you will go for this year:
1. Realism:
If you just love to have a military experience without the use of lethal weapons and bullets, airsoft is definitely a great option. The adrenaline rush you get while playing this game, can’t be compared to any other sport in the world.All the things that you have to do in this game, the player discipline and even the scenarios are similar to what you need to do on a battlefield.2. The Guns:
One of the major reasons why this game is a must-try is because of the variety of guns you can use in it. Especially if you always have a dream to own and use a gun in a battle, airsoft is what you should try playing.There are three types of airsoft guns used in this game; electric, gas, and spring. All these types are worth a try and you can add a real kick to your guns by adding a realistic blowback action.3. Tactics And Strategy:
It is not about being fit to win in this game. But, it is more about you being active enough to plan a strategy and then win the game. If you are someone who always makes a plan first and then acts on it to achieve a goal, you will have a place in airsoft.The best of all teams will be the one that comes with the best communication and strategy making skills. If you and your friends have these two things, you can make a great team that will win using the right tactics.4. Cost-Effectiveness:
When it comes to comparing airsoft with paintball in terms of cost, it is obvious that airsoft is more cost-effective. Especially, there is a huge difference in the cost of ammo.In paintball, you have to spend somewhat around $30 on a total of 2000 rounds and in airsoft, you have to spend $10 to $20 on 5000 rounds.Therefore, here it is for you! It is cheaper and it is more fun to use airsoft guns to play your game.
Electric, Gas, Or Spring Airsoft Guns- Which Is Better?
Well, these were a few reasons that explain why you should give airsoft a try. Now, if you are convinced of these reasons, let us tell you about the guns and their types in detail. This way, at least, you will be able to choose the right type without worrying about your money going to waste.
Electric Guns:
There are two types of electric airsoft guns:
1. Low-End Automatic Electric Guns (AEG):
These guns are the most popular of all airsoft guns and they are the most-used tools. The AEG runs on an electric motor and it comes with a battery. You will have to recharge the batteries to use the gun.Not just this but after a certain time, you will also have to replace the gun. Just like spring guns, even these guns run on a spring. The only difference is that these guns possess a gearbox that has 3 gears.The piston and the 3 gears together propel and that is when the bb shoots out of the barrel.Pros:· You can easily find these guns in sporting stores.· They are very affordable.· Increased play level.Cons:· Made up of cheap quality plastic.· The battery timing isn’t up to the mark.2. High-End Automatic Electric Guns (AEG):
Looking for a better and upgraded option? If yes, the high end automatic electric guns will make a better option for you. These guns come with the same internals just like the low-end guns.The only main difference is that these guns are upgraded and they come with a metal gearbox that comes covered in strong polycarbonate. What brings the bb into the chamber is the action that brings the gears and the pistons together.Pros:· It comes with the option of semi-auto or full-auto firing.· Used in both hot and cold weather conditions.· The rate of fire can be increased by upgrading the battery.Cons:· The battery has to be recharged every now and then.· High maintenance.
Gas-Powered Guns:
As the name indicates, these airsoft guns use gas to propel the BB down the barrel. If you are one of those players who wants a proper go-to-for experience, you should lay your hands on this gun.
It is safer to use and the most common one that people often try when they are starting with the airsoft game experience. For someone who wants to get as close as possible to a live shooting experience, there is certainly nothing better than a gas-powered gun.
Our suggestion for you here is to stick with a propane adapter of green gas because that is the safest. One reason why people prefer this type is because of the realism that it offers. Yes! The gas guns feel and weigh a lot more realistically than the low-end AEGs.
The recoil also is heavy in case of these guns and, therefore, you will get a better and more realistic experience with them.
Pros:· Realism.· No winding magazines are required.· Possess full auto features and capabilities.Cons:· Canisters of gas are required all the time.· To use propane gas, you require a propane adapter.
Spring-Powered Guns:
If you are looking for an affordable option as you are on a tight budget, there is nothing better than spring powered airsoft guns. The best thing about these airsoft guns is that they are easily available in the market and online stores as well.
With a little research, you can end up with a high-quality spring powered airsoft gun that will enhance your airsoft gaming experience. Just like the name tells, these guns are manually powered and the spring is used to fire the bb down the barrel.
It is just like a normal real-life gun, you have to pull the trigger to fire. The speed of your fire depends on how you pump the trigger. Honestly, it all depends on the power of the spring. The more powerful the spring is, the better the gun will work for you on the battlefield.
Pros:· Most affordable.· You don’t have to buy any battery or any charger.· These guns can be used in all weathers.Cons:· No auto firing options.· Have to manually cock the gun.
Which Airsoft Gun Is The Best?
We have explained all the airsoft guns to you in detail. Now, the question is which one of these three types is the best for you. Well, the answer to this question is simply that it all depends on your use and your requirements.
If you are on a very tight budget, of course, the spring-powered guns will work best for you as they are the cheapest. But performance-wise, you should choose electric guns or gas guns. Both these types are quite effective when it comes to making your game more exciting.
As far as our suggestion is concerned, you should choose the electric powered airsoft guns (the ones that come with a battery). Yes, these guns will cost you more than the other two types, but here we are talking about the best performance.
You don’t want to manually trigger the bbs down the barrel and you sure don’t want to carry a gas canister with you all the time. The best option left is, obviously, an electric-powered gun.
This type is specifically for those people who are willing to spend any amount of money, but they aren’t ready to compromise on the performance and the quality of their gun.
Some Crucial Things To Consider When Buying A Airsoft Guns:
Now, you have picked a type among the airsoft guns. It is time for you to know about the basic things you should consider when buying these guns. It is obvious that even if it is cheap, you don’t want to spend your money on a gun that is not durable or reliable, right? If so, stick along with it.
We are now going to put down all those important features that you must consider if you want to get your hands on something that is high in quality and worth your money.
1. Material:
The very first thing to consider when buying airsoft guns is the material. No matter what type you are opting for, you shouldn’t compromise on the quality of the material.For example, there is no doubt that electric guns are the best and the most accurate. But, most of them are made up of poor quality plastic. This means that if your gun falls hard once on the floor, it can easily break and you can’t afford that.So even, if it is a plastic gun, do ensure that it is high in quality and that it won’t break with a single blow.2. Speed:
Speed of the gun at which it fires is quite important if you want a great gaming experience. Electric airsoft guns are indeed the most speedy ones and they fire at a great pace.But, if you are opting for gas-powered guns or spring guns, you should still give them a try to check the speed. The higher the speed of the gun is, the better the game will be.3. Cost:
Of course, the cost is what you will always consider when buying airsoft guns. The spring-powered guns are the cheapest of all types. But, you can still get better rates and better quality with electric powered guns.For getting quality guns, you should give our airsoft guns a try as we have the best ones in town. The prices are also quite affordable. Therefore, buying a gun from us, definitely won’t hurt your pocket.
The Final Words:
This is all that you should know about airsoft guns, their types and the things you should consider before buying one. We have covered each and everything.
So, now, without waiting anymore, try a gun, and play the airsoft game with your best team. Hence, no matter whatever gun type you are willing to have, start browsing our latest collection and buy your needed one! We guarantee that no one can meet our product quality and prices as well.